Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Church on Dexter Avenue

A good follow-up to the Civil Rights Memorial picture from yesterday is the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church. So, I guess I am getting one last "C "picture in (church) while moving on to "D" (Dexter Ave).

The original church on this property was established in 1877, in a slave traders pen. The red brick building, seen in the photo was built somewhere between 1883 and 1889. It was actually called the Second Colored Baptist Church, but was later changed to Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, in honor of Andrew Dexter, the founder of Montgomery.

Martin Luther King Jr was the 20th pastor of this church, and he directed the Montgomery Bus Boycott from his office at this church.

In 1978, the church name was changed to Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church in Martin Luther King Jr's memory.


  1. That's a mouthful of a name. It looks as though it has been raining.

  2. What a beautiful church! Welcome to the CDP community, glad you're here!

  3. This church has such a rich history!

    Re your question yesterday - I was born in Oklahoma City but I've got family in Europe. I recently returned to the US after eight years in France. Quite a change - but a nice one!

    I have been to the RTJ courses in B'ham, P'ville and Mobile. Hope to check out the others soon - they're all spectactular.


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